Thursday, May 9, 2013

My "Why" Story

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be doing direct sales, I would've laughed in your face. I'm not a "seller" nor had the thought ever really seriously crossed my mind that not only would be I be doing direct sales, but that I'd LOVE the company so much!

I had, several years ago, briefly considered doing Scentsy for some extra spending money. I love Scentsy, and can say I am slightly addicted to the warmers and the scents. And now they have dryer bars and lotion?? Love! Anyway, I thought about it, but realized that I could count on both hands the people I knew who sold Scentsy at the time, and I didn't want to join a company that had so many consultants already. I was not going to compete with that!

Fast forward three years. I now have four kids (all boys!! yikes!) and not only are they eating me out of house and home, but my husband and I have baseball fees, field trips, uniforms, Cub Scout expenses, and more and eternally more diapers to buy. We needed to change something to keep up with it all! My husband and I both feel strongly that I need to stay home with the kids while they are young, so working outside the home is not an option for us. I decided again to look into direct sales. I tried another company at first, and it didn't work out for me. However, I knew as soon as I saw Paparazzi in action that I could do this!! YOU could do this!!

Seriously, who doesn't love $5 anything?? I love $5 combo meals, $5 t-shirts, $5 books. This is the key - it's affordable. I knew that I could offer my friends, family, and the new people I'd meet something that was fashionable, something fun and funky, and something I wouldn't feel guilty about selling to them because, hey, it's $5!!

I have to say it's been a blast since the day I signed up. I love ordering new jewelry (it feels like I'm shopping, but not really, since I'm not keeping most of it) and seeing all the new inventory available. Sometimes I even squeal out loud. Yup, it's that good. And I love when that box of jewelry arrives at my front door - I blow kisses to my UPS guy and tear open the box like it's Christmas. So fun!!

I also LOVE the support I get. The head honchos of the company are amazing and so real. I have a tiny crush on Ryan Daley, our GM. He is so honest and genuine. And so funny. My sponsor and her upline are amazing too! They spend so much time making sure we are okay, that we have questions answered, and that we love our job (what's not to love??).

And I love the extra cash. My kids need new baseball cleats? Sure!! Thanks Paparazzi! Oh, let's go out to eat tonight! Thanks again Paparazzi! All things that before were a stretch to our budget are affordable to us now! I'm actually saving my Paparazzi earnings for our families first Disneyland adventure, which is motivation to get me going!

YOU CAN DO THIS TOO! You can sell Paparazzi! You can make your dreams come true! Whether you want to start a Disneyland fund, have some play money, or help pay the bills. It's so easy! The product sells itself!! Check out my website, and research the product, the compensation plan, and see how Paparazzi can change your life!!

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